Well I blogged when I initially started my brew and I had planned to post the progress of it all but didn't cause ya know I was busy growing a baby ect and didn't have time for blogging but here is the follow up finally and I must say I'm very happy with the results, more so than I expected actually.
So I had started the brew and pretty much forgot about it for the last 3 months until I received a phone call from Uncle Bob reminding me, and told me I needed to get it on those new little babies in the recently dug up veg patch.
I hadn't even checked it at all so had no idea what it would be like or if it was even any good but I opened the lid and to my surprise what had been a bunch of green nettle was now dark black liquid with a bit of a stagnant water type smell but nothing too offensive like I was expecting.
So you need to dilute it like you would other liquid fertilizers and each batch you make can vary in strength so just be careful when using your brew for the first time.
So you need to dilute it like you would other liquid fertilizers and each batch you make can vary in strength so just be careful when using your brew for the first time.
I'm not really the type to measure properly I use my sight more when it comes to this sort of thing but at a guess Id say I added 500mls too a standard 9lt watering can of water and filled her up.
Now at first I though I was crazy but I swore the next day when I came out after 24hrs there had been noticeable growth, I hadn't applied it to all the plants just encase it was going to kill everything or something horrible but all looked well, great in fact so I applied it to the rest of the crops and took more note of the size of my babies so next day I could reassess to see if indeed there had been growth in such a quick time and low and behold I was right
The plants had really sprung up and everything is looking so green, lush and healthy. Especially after todays rains. Honestly I don't think I've ever had such obvious and almost instant results from any store bought, natural liquid plant feed so I'm really quite chuffed I got such brilliant results from something totally organic I can make myself for free from weeds, nettles, borage, comfrey, manure ect.
This batch was just purely nettles and its beaut stuff so why don't you get your own batch going, its so simple there really is no reason to have to buy liquid plant food.